Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Some reservations

Last night, Claire and I watched a show that helped to fuel our wanderlust. Tony Bourdain has a new show on Travel Channel about (ostensibly) travelling and relinquishing control. This is a show for flaneurs. Bourdain is a rabid anti-tourist, and makes the distinction between "tourists" and "travellers," with the latter being far superior to the concerns of the former. As he says in a prmotional spot for the show, "who wants to see the world through smoked glass (of a tour coach)?"

I think the show is pretty good, but there are a few glaring problems. Being a celebrity chef, and being one under contract with the Travel Channel, means that Bourdain can afford to stay at 540-740Euro per night hotels like L'Hotel. This is certainly not an option for the average traveller. He also has an "in" with many locals that I'm sure were contacted by the Travel Channel previous to his departure. He just "happens" to run into an artisanal Absinthe distiller at a bar. I understand that all of this is neccessary pacing for an hour TV program, but it was a little hokey. The digital manipulations of the show, to add some visuals to his accounts of the absinthe drunk were entertaining. There's even a nod to Jacob's Ladder. Stupid, but funny.

The next episode finds Bourdain in Iceland in January. I'm looking forward to this. I know three people who have been to Iceland and I'm very curious.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

root of all evil

i got hopping mad for no good reason this morning. paying bills always sucks. somewhere along the way this month, i forgot to pay my Visa bill and got stuck with a $39.00 late fee. they also raised my limit, which i don't like for them to do. i need to have limits and spend within my means. the credit card industry is gutting the middle class more and more every year, leveraging debt exponentially.

there's some things i'd like, but i refuse to put myself into debt to get them (in no particular order):
-a computer of my own, preferably a laptop (12" Powerbook w/ Bluetooth, Airport and 1 Gig RAM would be ideal)
-a studio building
-a new watch with time zones for different cities
-a vacation for Claire and myself that is just us two, with no family obligation involved